Mziza Bwalo Address community misconception around malaria prevention

Myths and misconceptions about mosquito nets surround most communities in Malawi, TA Njombwa in Kasungu is not spared as many used to believe that breeding season for mosquitoes is during rainy season only and this is the only time they use mosquito nets.

After the rainy season they could use the nets to make backyard gardens, chicken kraals, selling to fishermen just to mention a few.

Johnwell Mwale and his wife
Johnwell Mwale and his wife

Bwalo members also identified knowledge gap among community members which contributes to misuse of mosquito nets. They engaged community health workers to conduct community awareness on proper use of mosquito nets, refuting that one can get malaria only during rainy season.

Johnwell Mwale from Kadzandira village benefited from the community awareness and said it has equipped him with knowledge on malaria prevention and helped him to take away the beliefs he had around mosquito nets.

The Traditional Authority Njombwa applauded that his people will join the government initiative by incorporating malaria prevention messages in all the meetings

TA Njombwa
Njombwa: we will work together to create malaria free Malawi