RMNCH social mobilization and accountability is a 12 month UNCEF funded project aiming at improving lives of mothers, newborn and children through social mobilization and strengthened accountability mechanisms. The project is intended to:

(1) Increase blood availability in district hospitals

(2) Increase level of commitments and responsibilities fulfillments and

(3) Reduce community delays in seeking maternal, newborn and child health.

The project is being implemented in five districts: Mangochi, Zomba, Thyolo, Lilongwe and Mzimba by Parent and Child Health Initative (PACHI).

The main  objective of this project is to accelerate improved survival of women and children in the districts of Thyolo, Mangochi, Lilongwe rural, Zomba and Mzimba through social mobilisation and social accountability with funding from RMNCAH Trust fund thorough UNICEF.

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