Written by Singayazi Kaminjolo
Mamaye Movement, an initiative that aims at improving maternal and newborn survival by engaging the public, has, in partnership with Malawi Boxing Association (Maba) and Malawi Blood Transfusion Service (MBTS), organised boxing bouts at Lilongwe Community Centre ground on Saturday.
National coordinator for Parent and Child Health Initiative (Pachi), who are behind Mamaye Movement, Charles Makwenda said they want to use boxing to woo people to donate blood.
“We have organised several fights, but the main bout is between Acras Mchombo and Baldwin Manda. Alongside the fights, MBTS will be collecting blood to save lives of mothers and children,” said Makwenda.
He said this is the first time his organisation will use sport to contribute towards the survival of newborn children and maternal health.
Maba said they are excited and honoured to participate in such a noble event.
“We are looking forward to donating blood as Maba and we are appealing to fans to come in their large numbers to watch great boxing while donating blood,” said Maba president Henry Sakala.
“We have come up with exciting boxers who will entertain the fans,” he said.
He said they will line up five bouts which fans will watch free of charge.
Source: http://mwnation.com/mamaye-partners-maba-in-fundraising-fights/