Bwalo mobilisation improves maternal and child health in Dowa

Bwalo mobilisation improves maternal and child health in Dowa

Inorder to improve maternal health care in Dowa, communities in have taken a step further to address transportation problems to the nearest health facility in the area. Pregnant women from the area travel long distances to access maternal care at Mwanga Health center. The facility is situated at a distance of 20 kilometers away, challengedRead more about Bwalo mobilisation improves maternal and child health in Dowa[…]

PACHI trains communities on improvement of RMNCAH through increasing citizen voices in Nkhata Bay

PACHI trains communities on improvement of RMNCAH through increasing citizen voices in Nkhata Bay

In a bid to improve reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health through increasing citizen voices in communities, Parent and Child Health Initiative (PACHI) through its Every Woman Every Child (EWEC) project organized a training in Nkhatabay for community members. Read more about PACHI trains communities on improvement of RMNCAH through increasing citizen voices in Nkhata Bay

Zomba youth engage with the district youth technical working group on increased teen pregnancies

Zomba youth engage with the district youth technical working group on increased teen pregnancies

Bwalo Interlocutors which include the youth conducted an engagement meeting with the District Youth Technical Working Group (DYTWG) in Zomba. The DYTWG which is composed of the District Youth Officer (DYO), District Social Welfare Officer (DSO), District Community Development Officer (DCDO), District Education Manager (DEM), District Agriculture Development Officer (DADO), Director of Planning and DevelopmentRead more about Zomba youth engage with the district youth technical working group on increased teen pregnancies[…]