Bwalo (Citizen Voice forum) review meeting in TA Chilowamatambe and Chambwe attracted community stakeholders to join the government initiative in the upcoming Polio Campaign. Representatives of the community structures were invited to the meeting, these included; traditional leaders (TAs Chilowamatambe and Chambwe), Religious leaders, included were Gule wankulu, mother groups, VDC members and Bwalo members. The meeting was facilitated by PACHI through the integrated C4D for increasing demand for PHC services and malaria, a project being supported by UNICEF to fight malaria in the district (through social mobilization and accountability).
After orientation on Polio by a health provider community structures were separated in groups according to their representation and developed action plans on how they will engage and deliver the Polio messages to the community. Each structure presented their action plan how they will prepare the community in the upcoming polio campaign.
Fascinating action plan was developed by Gule Wankulu representative Gilbert Mtande whose plan was supported by the 2-TAs Chilowamatambe and Chambwe
He presented his plan to the participant and said, after this meeting I will hold a meeting with traditional leaders in the 2-TAs, using our structure we will develop songs for polio prevention message.
“Our structure attracts a good audience, men, women and children, we know in three days we will mobilize the community for the campaign. We will let them know nobody gets out of the house until all the targeted children in the household have received the polio vaccine, this will be repeated in the subsequent months and we will share reports of what we have done to the TAs and PACHI as well”.
He completed his statement by saying, the message has come to the right people we are the best mobilizers in the community.