Written by Laura Munthali
Social Accountability project has taken a serious kick off in Zomba where Chief Chikowi and Mwambo have expressed serious concern over high maternal death rates in the district, and a high contribution of deaths by the youth. This was based on evidence from the district on the high rates of death in the district at the orientation of District Bwalo Forums.
Chief Chikowi expressing concern towards evidence on increased childbearing rates in Zomba District contributed mostly by the youth
Sitting at a District Bwalo, Chief Chikowi is eager to work with accountability structures in the district, the district health office to make a difference by encouraging youth to participate in health promotion activities. “We have to work together and meet oftenly at bwalo forums to monitor our actions. This is our district, we need to bring change by taking an active role. Parents should educate the youth on dangers of early pregnancies”
The meeting took place at NICE offices in zomba on 22 February, 2017. Participants representing the council, CSO network, Community bwalo forums were all present at the District Bwalo forum and recommended the development.