Malaria continues to be one of the major cause of morbidity and mortality in Malawi, especially among pregnant women and children aged under 5 years.
In Malawi, even though the malaria awareness is high with more than nine in every ten still the prevalence rate stands high at 33% resulting into not less than 4 million people being diagnosed annually. This has not demonstrated resultant improved malaria prevention and control behaviors among Malawians.
PACHI believes in engaging community structures to enhance increased knowledge of Malaria prevention and control in communities. PACHI is implementing a malaria social and behavior change project in Mchinji mainly in the traditional authorities of Dambe and Mlonyeni. The aim is to contribute to the reduction of maternal, newborn and child mortality by increasing demand for quality health services through improved access and utilization of malaria prevention and control services.
Community based drama groups in the mentioned two TAs have been conducting awareness campaigns. The communities are being reached with messages as recommended by the Malawi Malaria Communication Strategy as well as issues explored by community health action groups in respective areas.
Communities reaching out to communities with messages.
The project through Mchinji District Health Office has also managed to disseminate messages through open air campaigns in the district through Umoyo Drama group.
Through these drama sessions communities are also being reached with messages through posters and leaftlets. The materials are distributed to community members as well health facilities and other community structures
Community beneficiary reading out a leaflet during an awareness campaign.
PACHI is implementing the Malaria Social Behaviour change project with support from USAID through Management Sciences for Health ONSE health activity to decrease malaria morbidity and mortality especially among women, children and the marginalized populations in Mchinji district.